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I’m not going to pretend to be a person that keeps up with the advances in modern technology. I do find it fascinating when I encounter something new and someone shows me how to use it, but left to my own devices, I’m basically a dinosaur. I was out with a group of friends one night and they were talking about how amazing Virtual Reality is. Of course I’d heard of it before, but I couldn’t say I’d ever experienced it. He encouraged me to give it a shot and I promised I would at some point. After that I put it out of my mind.

One night I was searching for porn and I came across this 72% off discount to Club Seventeen VR and decided that would be the perfect opportunity to try it out. If you’ve never experienced Virtual Reality, I highly suggest you do, and if you really want a wild ride, do it here. Your senses are able to take over and transport you into the porn. It’s absolutely crazy and I know you’ll get hooked the very first time.

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